February has always been a dark, dreary and cold month, where I have lived in the northern United States. February is short on days, long on bleakness and halfway between winter and spring. School seemed to drag on. It was dark in the morning, cloudy days made interior rooms appear gray. And when leaving school or work in the late afternoons it was dark again outside.
But I have learned something new! It took over 50 years for me to be aware of how wonderful the days in February can be.
To start the month off in great spirits and to promote health, the first day in February is National Dark Chocolate Day! I'm beginning to love this month.
According to various websites that list holidays and celebratory days, February is "Weddings Month". - No wonder there are so many babies born in November!
- The third week is International Flirting Week - Go for it! Try your best during February as it is also Spunky Old Broads month.
- February 3rd is National Carrot Cake Day - One of my favorite nonsweet cakes.
- February 5th is National Shower with a Friend Day - Come on, get friendly.
- February 13 is National Wingman Day - Support your Buddies!
There's something to appreciate every day. Here are a few other celebrations in February:
- The first Saturday of the month is Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day - What an upbeat start for your day.
- An Affair to Remember Month - Ahhh, the good old days.
- Creative Romance Month - Time for new affectionate moves.
- Great American Pie Month - What's Not to Love?
- National Bird Feeding Month - Be generous to all.
- National Cherry Month - Time for another pie or Manhattan cocktail?
- Spunky Old Broads Month - There are a lot of Cougars out there.
- The last Saturday night of the month is Open That Bottle Night - A great way to welcome March.
There are so many more friendly and lovely activities for celebration in February, make it your month to smile, and spread joy to others.