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About Heather:

After years of writing objective factual descriptions for the real estate industry Heather Hawk turned to creative non-fiction, writing subjectively with her own personal viewpoint. A public library sponsored a seminar on "Writing Your Memoir" in July 2018. That was the beginning, the inspiration needed to gain momentum on writing about her experiences. From that seminar a small group formed to guide, support, and hold participants accountable to continue. Their collaboration resulted in the anthology "Tales From A Writers' Circle" released in May 2023.
In 2022 she tried her hand in flash fiction and  she now lives vicariously in 50 word and 100 word stories.

  • Her short stories "Night Jogging" and "Self Portrait" are included in "50 Give or Take" released November 2023. More stories will be released November 2024.
  • "Crushed"  2024 was published in "100X100" Vol.2 The 100wordproject anthologies
  • "The Haunt"  2023 can be read on Spillwords https://spillwords.com/the-haunt/

Having lived a chaotic lifestyle, Heather loves to roam and after taking one huge leap backward, she persisted in Semper progrediens - Latin for 'always moving forward.'
She has led garden tours, and gave presentations on gardening. She loves pruning in her garden to control her chaotic life-style by venting, saying "Take that J. Doe!" Her joys have been centered on trees, real estate, sports, and travel. She spends most days living in her garden with the wildlife.